90+ Cellars: Bring the Party to Life

We’re in the heart of the holiday season, which means party time. As such, 90+ Cellars turned to us to help drive awareness, sales and web traffic through a “Bring the Party to Life” campaign. The campaign centers around their offering of Prosecco, ultimately driving consumers to their website for creative Prosecco-based cocktail ideas and a link to purchase a 90+ bottle.
As part of this campaign, we put together an attention-grabbing stop motion video.

Creating this video was an incredible experience–from building out a mobile 14-foot surface on a rolling track to drilling a hole through the cork to be able to open the bottle on camera without an explosion to painting the table and all of its contents white in the middle of the capture. The team was locked in for the entire shoot, fully aware of the level of precision needed to pull it off.
You can get a behind-the-scenes look at the content capture day in the video below.

Once we had the edit in a good place, we drew inspiration from the infamous party scene in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, so we began laying audio tracks together to help set that tone–we even dropped a cat meow in there.
The content spanned beyond the digital realm as well, as it is also being repurposed for a Chicago transit ad series.



As you’re preparing for your next holiday party, be sure to “bring the party to life” with a 90+ Cellars Prosseco cocktail. Cheers!
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As a creative-first culture, we believe creativity is the ultimate brand and business advantage. Our entrepreneurial spirit drives us to be bold problem solvers in everything we do — from "capital-C" ideas and strategic business solutions to "little-C" creativity that pushes our craft and execution.
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